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Corolla Cross 車尾面貌首次曝光









發表於 2020-6-13 18:57 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式

by林翰言 2020/06/12 20:00

自從泰國媒體捕捉一部重度偽裝的照片後,Toyota 即將推出以 TNGA-C 平台衍生而來的中型 SUV 的消息甚囂塵上,引起各家汽車媒體眾說紛紜。根據本站掌握到的最新消息指出,這款全新的中型 SUV 原廠代號740B,去年已開始國產化開發作業。其產品定位設定在 RAV4 之下,採用與現行 Corolla Altis 車系相同的 TNGA-C 底盤架構打造,是一款 C-Segment SUV,並稱之 Corolla Cross,有望在 9 月下線,並於 10 月正式在台灣市場推出,台灣市場可能為全球首發地之一。

Since its camouflage caught by Thai media, rumours has it that Toyota is developing a midsize SUV based on TNGA-C platform. According our latest information, this all-new midsize SUV is codenamed "740B", which has started pre-production procedure last year. The new SUV is placed under RAV4 as a C-Segment SUV, that could get "Corolla Cross" name and set to start production in this September, then launch in Taiwanese market in this Octomber, that means it would have the world premiere in Taiwan.

和泰汽車先前早已註冊 Corolla Cross 之名,因此該車名稱是可以確定的。而 Corolla Cross 不僅會在國內市場首發,也預計在東南亞市場推出,且先前海外媒體也已曝光過重度偽裝測試車款。從這次本站取得的照片顯示,其高車介於 Altis 及 RAV4 之間、軸距較兩者(Altis、RAV4)短,造型輪廓延續了現行 RAV4 的家族化風格,車尾配備 L 型 LED 導光條,車身透過黑色防刮輪拱來加強 SUV 的粗曠感受。至於車頭造型根據目擊者指出,將有著與 Mazda CX-5 具異曲同工之妙的設計,仍偏向日系 SUV 風格。

Ho-Tai motor, The official distributor of Toyota in Taiwan, has already filed the "Corolla Cross" name, which means the name of the all new midsize SUV is undoubted. The Corolla Cross will not only launch in Taiwanese market, but also in ASEAN markets, its heavy-camouflageed test car has been spied by medias overseas. As the photo we received shows, the height of Corolla Cross is between Corolla Altis and RAV4, but its wheelbase is shorter than Altis and RAV4, the silhouette shares the similiar design philosophy with the current RAV4, theres a L-shaped LED bar in the rear, the side of Corolla Cross decorated with wheel arch moldings. The front fascia is reported similar to Mazda CX-5, according to witness, close to Japanese SUV style.

Corolla Cross 預計將採用與現行販售 Corolla Altis 相同的 TNGA-C 平台打造,並提供 1.8 汽油及 1.8 Hybrid 動力。Corolla Cross should be build on the same TNGA-C platform with Corolla Altis, that offers 1.8 petrol and 1.8 Hybrid powertrain.

在動力系統方面,預料採用與現行販售的 Corolla Altis 車系提供 1.8L 自然進氣以及 1.8L Hybrid 油電混合兩款動力,輔以 CVT 無段變速系統。而在配備編成上,可能將參照現行 Corolla Altis 的模式,並提供 TSS 主動安全科技、LED 頭燈、前/後獨立懸吊等針對國內消費者需求的選項,惟目前確切的編成尚未明朗。

The powertrain of Corolla Cross is expected to offer the same 1.8 petrol and 1.8 Hybrid with CVT transmission as Corolla Altis. The  trim levels and equipments might follow the current Corolla Altis, includes Toyota Safety Sense, LED headlamp, and front/rear independent suspension that furfill Taiwanese customers' demand.

Toyota 在國內一直缺少主攻小型 SUV 市場的車款,隨著 Corolla Cross 的推出,其與 Corolla Altis 共用諸多零組件,大幅縮短開發時間,未來並可提高產線共用率,推出之後將填補房車市場下降後的產能空缺,並且不排除由台灣擔綱供應部分市場的角色。此車量產後,相信對於國瑞汽車中壢廠的產能利用率,甚至台灣成車外銷的實績,皆有極大的正面助益。

Toyota lacks small SUV in Taiwanese market for a long time, as Corolla Cross nearing completion, that shares many components with Corolla Altis, not only shorten the development period, but also increase rate of capacity utilization, which compensates the empty capacity of sedan's falling market share. As Corolla Cross into production, we believe it would help increase capacity utilization of Kuozui motors Zhongli plant, as well as car exports of Taiwan.

在台灣市場方面,此車打擊範圍甚廣,由於目前 Toyota 在台灣的 SUV 銷售主力 RAV4 最低價格帶已經提升至 90 餘萬區間,此車上市後,預料將能填補 Altis 及 RAV4 間 80-100 萬的價格空缺,下打 Nissan Kicks、Honda HR-V ...等國產小型 SUV ,對於退守 80-90 萬區間的其他國產中型 SUV 二軍來說,更無異最大的風暴來襲,後續市場競爭將精采可期。

The Corolla Cross would have huge impact to the Taiwanese market, as the main top-selling of Toyota: RAV4's starting price has increased to over NT$900,000,  so that Corolla Cross could fit in NT$800,000~NT$1,000,000 price range between Altis and RAV4, which means Corolla Cross would compete with domestic small SUVs such as Nissan Kicks and Honda HR-V, then become the biggest storm to the segment, we believe the competition will be very exciting.

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